Alright handlers....the CDF community has made this request for years, and today is the day! Our tiny baby Spring Equinox Bunny has found an egg with a fairly spiffy treat inside.
Up for auction is the first ever Mule Wyrm Breeding Token! It is currently the only one of its kind, and as of right now the only one we have any plans to make.
The way this token works is important, so we ask anyone bidding to please read the rules in full before trying to bid!
At starting bid, this allows ONE mule to breed with any other breedable wyrm in the game. The resulting baby or babies are themselves considered mules, and are thus NOT breedable. These babies will have their genetics figured out by D. The genetics will pass on in a manner similar to the Royal Fairy babies, and will be largely artistic freedom. If there is a particular physical trait you would *really* like to see passed on to the baby you may request it.
Prices for mule babies bred using this token are as follows.
Teacup - 60$
Mini - 150$
Standard - 250$
This price *includes* things like wings, tail fins, etc.
PLEASE NOTE! Wyrms that do not breed, such as Greater Elementals, Leviathan Guardians, Cursing/Blessing Wyrms, may NOT be bred using this token!
Starting Bid - $50
This token currently has *ONE* charge on it. For each 150$ above the starting bid, another charge will be added. Therefore
Starting Bid = 1 charge. 200$ bid = 2 charges. 350$ = 3 charges. And so on. Please note, this token can *NOT* be recharged. Whatever charges are put on originally are it.
This auction will stay up until noon, EST on Wednesday, April 4th. If there are last minute bids, deadline will be extended by 30 min to prevent sniping.
And of course, the token comes with it's tiny finder bunny! ... 25024?s=09
***Official Mule Breeding Token Charge List***
ARIA - x2
BRIAR - x1
KARDI - x1
PONY - x1
4 charges for Aria PAID - 2 USED
1 charge for Arazia PAID - USED
2 charges for Briar PAID - 1 USED
1 charge for Cullion PAID
1 charge for Etsumi PAID
1 charge for Blutailedferret PAID - USED
1 charge for Kardi PAID
1 charge for Tora PAID - USED
1 charge for Genepi PAID
1 charge for Disneyqueen PAID - USED