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+1 Tokens meaning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:39:34 am
by WorgenQueen
Hi, I just have one question. I am planning on breeding this year but I am still unclear about the term "+1 token". Could someone please explain this to me. Thanks

Re: +1 Tokens meaning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:21:53 pm
by Ambaaargh
If I'm remembering right, the +1 token is usually used in reference to the breeding token. Basically every wyrm has a certain amount of breedings they can do before they go sterile. More common ones tend to have around 10, but rarer wyrms can have only 2.

The +1 token basically lets you use that token so that their breedings available doesn't get used up. A lot of folks who have rarer wyrms will request a token like that be used in order to prevent their wyrm from going sterile.

So if you see someone who requests a +1 token to be used to breed with a particular wyrm, it likely means they want you to use a token like so that their wyrm won't lose a breeding count.

At least thats what I think it is, but I also admit there is a small chance my brain hopped the window and I'm thinking of a different thing. XD

Re: +1 Tokens meaning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:51:43 pm
by WorgenQueen
Thanks, I think I get it but what if you don't have any breeding tokens to use. Also, what if you want to get a certain color from the breeding? I bought my first wyrms at Anthrocon but didn't realize how important it is to buy the tokens. Will the person let you buy tokens from them? Thanks for the help!

Re: +1 Tokens meaning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:13:07 pm
by ShadraAvro
WorgenQueen wrote:Thanks, I think I get it but what if you don't have any breeding tokens to use. Also, what if you want to get a certain color from the breeding? I bought my first wyrms at Anthrocon but didn't realize how important it is to buy the tokens. Will the person let you buy tokens from them? Thanks for the help!

Many handlers rent out their tokens during the breeding season. Most will request you provide the recharge fee of $7.50 USD. This way the token can be reused another time.

As for a specific color result you are looking for a color token. This token allows you to select the offspring's color from those which are possible results from the two wyrms you have bred. (So for example you cannot select red if the two wyrms do not carry the genes to provide a red baby.)

You can read more about tokens here. ... tab=Tokens

Re: +1 Tokens meaning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:27:08 pm
by Ponygirl
Yeah, you're certainly not required to use the tokens if you want to just let the genetic dice decide the outcome of your babies, and if you are in need of one you don't have, you can always post on the forums and see if someone will let you borrow theirs. Buying them means you don't have to ask, and you also get the cute wooden charm itself which you use and recharge as you want (recharges are only available when a token/recharge sale is announced, but they usually hold one before each breeding season so you aren't stuck with a bunch of used charms when you need them).

I redid my handler chain with a longer chain and put the clasp 1/3 of the way down rather than on the end, so I can use the long chain with the medallion for eggs, and the short tail for holding my charms (and poopicorn)! :mrgreen: Now if only I was caught up with putting the dang eggs and charms ON the chain...or *cough* naming and registering the wyrms... :roll:

Re: +1 Tokens meaning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:49:35 pm
by WorgenQueen
Thank you all for your responses. They have been extremely helpful and now I am looking forward to breeding season!!!! I will be breeding my new girlie nudi and I am really excited for a baby nudi!!!!