Type Information

From Cruinndrac Farms
Revision as of 09:11, 4 October 2012 by Arazia (talk | contribs)

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Common Forest Wyrms

<description here>


Common: Leaf Crawler
Uncommon: Horned Wood Borer
Uncommon: Mushroom Gatherer
Rare: Plumed Gem Hunter

A list of registered Common Forest Wyrms can be found: LINK


Marine Wyrms

<description here>


Common: Angler Eel
Uncommon: Hairy Nudibranch
Uncommon: Bright Darter
Rare: Spiny Sand Sifter

A list of registered Marine Wyrms can be found: LINK


Crystal Wyrms

<description here>


Common: Swirl Snout
Uncommon: Gem Horn
Uncommon: Platinum Point
Rare: Resplendent Fan Tail

A list of registered Crystal Wyrms can be found: LINK


Zhong Lung Wyrms

<description here>


Common: Qui-Lin
Uncommon: Gao-Xing
Uncommon: Jiao-Di
Rare: Imperial Fu

A list of registered Zhong Lung Wyrms can be found: LINK


Tesla Wyrms

<description here>


Uncommon: Copper
Uncommon: Silver
Uncommon: Gold
Uncommon: Tarnished

A list of registered Tesla Wyrms can be found: LINK



<description here>


Common: Arctic
Uncommon: Rufus
Uncommon: Silver
Rare: (Various)

A list of registered Pipefoxes can be found: LINK


Fairy Wyrms

<description here>


Uncommon: Flickerling
Uncommon: Crinkler
Uncommon: Tatterwing
Uncommon: Flutterling
Ultra Rare: Unseelie Queen*
Ultra Rare: Seelie King*

A list of registered Fairy Wyrms can be found: LINK

Mountain Wyrms

Released at FA: United 2012. This Wyrm Type is not recommended for the novice Handler, as they can be aggressive and highly protective/territorial. They have small, very sharp, retractable teeth, but do not usually show them unless startled or angry. An interesting quirk about this Wyrm breed is their tendency to carry scars from fights with other cave or mountain creatures, or sometimes other wyrms. It is very rare to find a Growler without some scars or marks, and usually means the Growler in question is a juvenile who has ot yet established a territory to claim and defend.


Common: Growler
Uncommon: TBD
Uncommon: TBD
Rare: Shrieker

A list of registered Mountain Wyrms can be found: LINK

Jungle Wyrms

Currently unreleased. Any viewable members of this breed are due to them being 'Original' Wyrms before the breeding game started.


Common: TBD
Uncommon: TBD
Uncommon: TBD
Rare: Greater Crested

A list of registered Jungle Wyrms can be found: LINK

Stone Wyrms

Currently unreleased. Any viewable members of this breed are due to them being 'Original' Wyrms before the breeding game started.


Common: TBD
Uncommon: Lapis
Uncommon: TBD
Rare: TBD

A list of registered Stone Wyrms can be found: LINK

Hybrid Wyrms

Hybrid Wyrms are created when two Wyrms of different breeds are bred and offspring are created. These babies may have some traits from both of their breeds, but may not fit in completely with either of their parent breeds.


Common: (Various)
Uncommon: (Various)
Uncommon: (Various)
Rare: (Various)

A list of registered Hybrid Wyrms can be found: LINK

Mutt Wyrms

Mutt Wyrms are a limited edition breed of Wyrms which resulted from having a bunch of leftover Mini Wyrms after discontinuing the breed. These Wyrms have various features that do not fit in with the regular breeds of Wyrms. Their offspring get a somewhat random genetic variation depending on their appearance. However, any offspring of a Mutt Wyrm, will also be of the Mutt Breed, regardless of what Breed the other parent is.



A list of registered Mutt Wyrms can be found: LINK