Cosmic here!
Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:34:17 pm
by Cosmic
Hello uwu I'm Cosmic fox. Been a lurker for a bit but decided to say hi. I work with Smidge, or Minx on the forums. She had wyrms on her desk and I thought they were neat. I have a few wyrms now that are my desk buds. I'm very shy and quiet so you won't see me around a lot. >>;; So...hello! X3
Re: Cosmic here!
Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:42:41 pm
by blutailedferret
Hey cosmic! Welcome to the furry wonders of wyrm handling. You babies are very cute. I will say that being on here will most likely make you a little less shy. If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask.
Re: Cosmic here!
Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:29:09 pm
by Tora
Hello there! Always nice to see other handlers recruiting their co-workers XD Welcome and hope you have a good time here. ^^
If you're not already aware we have a Telegram chat where all the chatting happens. Feel free to join! I'll find the link for you XD
EDIT: Boop!