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Applying for Stage #1 Approval for KatFish

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2019 2:39:51 pm
by NoMora

Owner: NoMora

Wyrm Katfish

Breed Info

Wyrm need
Fe (XX) or (xX) - Feline
Er (XX) or (xX) - Feline Ears

Bright Darter:
Fn (XX) or (Xx) - Fin
Gl (XX) or (Xx) - Gills

This wyrm is a bottom feedera and are non aggressive when it comes to there food. Fish is their major food, but they also eatĀ larval aquatic insects, small crustaceans, fish eggs and aquatic plants.

What interesting about this wyrm even thought it has gills it can breath through its skin because it dont have scales.

Unacceptable traitsĀ 
Bright Darter nose