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INACTIVE: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flu Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:28:06 pm
by Aching
The Swine Flu Project:

So, my idea here is for flying pigs!

I'm not sure what my registered name would be until after the weekend, but if it's my email, then it's LunarPuppy18 and I am the owner of this farm.




Wyrm Species Involved:
For the head shape, the pig snout and the tusks.

For the birdy wings!

For the ears, they are piglike save the spikes

For the ears, to try and eliminate the Shrieker's ear spines and some pigs have floppy ears.

Species Information:

Many of landscapes have seen the devastation of these scavenging wyrms. The scar they leave on the land remains desolate years after the arrival and departure of a flock of these wyrms. The Swine Flu species of wyrms are an interesting breed, they have a stout face adorned with tusks, durable wings and sensitive ears on their head. All of these traits have evolved in the species to give them an evolutionary benefit in the world.

The Swine Flu wyrms are known to come in every array of color available, their color is influenced partially by their parents genetics and partially by the diet of the pregnant mother. Most children will take after a combination of their parents just because of the preferred diet of the parents. In a region the members of the same flock tend to focus on only ONE type of food item. This is their preferred food of choice and they will flock together in huge groups with the same taste. This method of communication of preferred choice is not yet known, scent triggers and pheromones are thought to have a huge part in this. Food preferences of all members of this species ranges from berries and crops to garbage and toxic chemicals.

The seasons of Spring and Fall host a very very important and busy time for the wyrms. These are the two seasons where the wyrms will group together in a huge flock and strip the land of the resources they prefer. In these seasons the food items are usually abundant and ready to be eaten. The spring and fall grouping behavior is also linked with mating seasons. Before the horde goes and strips the land of its food a quick frenzy of a competition takes place between the dominant males. Depending on the size of the flock there can be from 1 to 4 dominant males commanding the entire group. The seasons of Summer and Winter this species is found throughout the region in small family groups with no more than 2 or 3 individuals. Their high aggressiveness makes it unprofitable for them to be contained in a group larger than that. In the summer they raise their newly born children or forage in search of edible food. In Winter these wyrms will do one of two things. They will either dig into the ground and create a makeshift burrow for hibernation or fly to warmer climates. They will only burrow and hibernate when food was plentiful and they were able to consume enough calories since leaving an already set up territory leaves it open for the taking once the owner is gone. Coming back in the spring to fight for a territory requires a lot of work especially before the Spring month.

All seasons except for winter these wyrms can be seen roosting in dead branches of stripped trees or in and around the hollow trunk. At night their calls are very distinct as they are a cross between a loud screech and a snort. These loud shrieks are heard in the night right before they settle down and it is advised to not listen to these horrible bloodcurdling shrieks for too long. Studies have shown that patients that have listened to their calls for about an hour or so have developed a small case of Insomnia, lasting only 4 to 5 months.

Their neat ears on the side of their head have developed to catch the small sounds and fold nicely against their heads for digging. Some frequencies of sounds are almost inaudible to these wyrms because of the small size of the ears. The language of these wyrms is very complex and written in a code of chirps, trills, shrieks and snorts. Many variations of their sounds are only picked up via their ears. Shrieks of aggression or grunts on submission are translated much more better if the language is broad. Not only are the ears excellent for hearing but they also help with heat regulation.

( Written by GT! Thank you, you're a ton of help!)

Thanks to their lines, they can be all the colors. Colors usually tell you what that particular wyrm's parents fed on for that breeding season! You are what you eat, as the saying goes. ( HM's normal genetics and such actually apply...but this is a more fun way to explain it. )

The wings can be one to two colors, if two colors, one color must be the same as body color.

Standard eyes are black, colored eyes and bicolored eyes are unusual, but are permissible. Will not dock points.


The tunneler's head and snout and tusks, may or may not have extra fangs showing due to growler blood, extra fangs are not overall desired. The body is one color, depending on fur used, wings can be one to two colors. The ears should be straight and like a shrieker's, without the spines. Flopping shrieker type ears are allowed, but dock your points in the show ring. Tunneler horns are permissible, but also faulted in a show setting. We don't really want the horns! Any form of underbite is a serious fault, as are ears that are too long and growler shaped ears or any faceplating.

Dapples and/or solid colored skin/heads are desired.


Mandatory -
Feathered/Bird Wings (XX)
Shrieker Ears ( the growlers are going to be used in an attempt to breed out the little horn thing off the shrieker's piglike ears. ) (XX)

Alpha -
I'm thinking stinger, I'll talk it over with GT.

Possible Extras -
Benign White
Pitch Black

Unwanted -

Inoshishi x Dottore - Tunneler x Avian - Winter 2013 - Harvest

Inoshishi x Anubis - Tunneler x Growler - Winter 2013 - Coffee & Bean (GT)

Scrofa x Shanks - Tunneler x Shrieker - Winter 2014 - DevilHawg & Lou Sowfur

Stud/Brood Wyrms: (these are wyrms I have permissions to use and the times I can use them. )
Nomvula x2 - Growler
Rowan - Shrieker ( $7.50 for +1 charge )
Bucket - Tunneler
Brocade - Fantasy Avian (Tora)
Bratwurst - Tunneler (Tora)
Friz- Tunneler (ShadraAvro)

I'll edit as we go along and I feel like drawing more wyrms and making more colors. PM me if you're willing to help or want to join!

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flew Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:13:38 pm
by ShyCrestedGirl
If this gets approved I can offer you a shrieker breeding for $7.50 usd which is the price of a charge on a +1 token you'd need to breed with her.

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flew Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:41:02 pm
by HopefulMonster
Ummmmmmm.......this is a really cute design, but to be brutally honest the three colored body is going to be impossible on a Teacup. You mention three colored shriekers and I'm unsure where you get that, as I'm fairly sure we don't have any such in the registry. (There is no gene/trait for triple colored body, and won't be, at least for Teacups....our seamstress would kill me. ;3)

Also, none of your chosen breeds have banding. Just as an FYI, you can only trait charm traits that actually exist in the possible breeding outcomes.

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flew Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:21:38 pm
by Aching
-headdesk- I must have mistook the larger fellows for teacups. I'll fix some stuff up and see if I can't find a breed to contribute banding. I thought I saw a few with three colors, may have been larger ones I forgot to skip over.

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flew Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:16:26 pm
by HopefulMonster
No problem! Some earlier Tunnelers had two colored bodies, but Kittie started to develop a nervous twitch every time I mentioned the breed (kinda like she does now with Growlers, lol) so I made them single colored.

Cute design though! When pigs fly, eh? ;D

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flew Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:37:54 pm
by Aching
Thank you.

Oooh. Heh, I forget hand sewing fur is a pain, especially tiny, tiny fur.

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flu Project

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:28:44 am
by HopefulMonster
Approved. :3

(Though as an FYI, canon is pollution or toxic waste/chemicals is what causes Infected Wyrms, so no Wyrms would willingly consume it.)

Re: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flu Project

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:44:26 am
by Aching
Thank you!

( Oh, that's actually kind of awesome. About the infected being from toxic waste. )

Re: APPROVED: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flu Project

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:20:04 am
by Aching
First breeding towards the project will happen soon!

Re: APPROVED: BloodMoon Stables - Swine Flu Project

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:05:04 pm
by Gardentoaster
Alright so who are we breeding this spring!