(I noticed there was a thread for HM in regards to lettting them know when beebs have arrived but non for Sciggles. SO HERE I GO~)
Who was the transaction between? Myself/Sciggles
When did it take place? Homecon 2015
Sale/Trade/Pickup/Other? Sale
What was it for? My 3 winter beebs, though Kv1nn4's winter beebs were in there as well. Also one somewhat confused looking Virgil. (when I first opened the box, the first thing I saw was his floof just poking out of the packaging )
Was the communication good? Pretty good. It was part of the winter breeding so I wasn't expecting super in-depth communications. Sciggles posted when the box was being mailed out on the board.
Were the items as described, if Sale or Trade? They were a lot cuter in person than as described. :B
Was there any damage that had not been disclosed? No damage to any of the items and to any of the customs guards.
Was the item mailed out in a timely fashion? They did! And considering sometimes I have to battle Canadian customs, they must have pchoo'd their way past. XD
If there were any refunds due, were they handled promptly? N/A
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this transaction? 10
I'll be posting some pics up of the new beebles in a bit. But I mostly wanted to just say that the package arrived safe and sound and oh man they're super adorable!