This thread is being added at the request of multiple people who would like a better idea of how to price their Wyrms. This is meant as a guideline. If you are unsure what your Wyrms should be valued as, please contact me at any time and I will be glad to give you a price estimate.
REMINDER: Our policies specifically discourage selling wyrms for profit. You are welcome to trade or sell at purchase price, any number of Wyrms you would like. However, we do watch and keep track of those who sell at max price. We do not want to see people selling large quantities of Wyrms for profit. While our Mass Sale rules apply to people selling more than 4 Wyrms at a time, we warn that we do not want to see people selling lesser quantities of wyrms for max price multiple times a year to get around this rule.
2012 - Convention Wyrm: $25 - Bred wyrm: $30+
2013 - Convention Wyrm: $30 - Bred Wyrm: $35+
2014 - Convention Wyrm: $30/$40 - Bred Wyrm: $40+
2015 - Convention Wyrm: $33/$44 - Bred Wyrm: $45+
2016- Convention Wyrm: $35/$45 - Bred Wyrm: $45+
2017- Convention Wyrm: $35/$45 - Bred Wyrm: $45+
2018 - Convention Wyrm: $35/$45 - Bred Wyrm: $45+
2019 - Convention Wyrm: $40/$45 - Bred Wyrm: $50+
Wyverns: $45-50
Minis: $50-70
Standards: $90-$120
(Please keep in mind that special qualities such as wings, blessings, etc. may change the relative value of an item.)