Wyrms currently for sale!
Preferably for sale but if you want to trade DM me on Telegram c:
Note: all my cards are currently MIA due to my multiple moves this year, in my Wyrm catalog is their card traits, all Eggs are accounted for tho!
Wyrms already claimed via Telegram:
Snow Snarler- Ceeotu
Shoebill Avian- Rrilltrae
Fantail- Abbey Jordan
Green Zilla- The Editor is a Girl
Wanda & Vision Treebe Pair- Briar Rose
Dilute Zilla- Briar Rose
Hey y'all! Feel free to show me any wyrms you have to trade, I can fall in love with the weirdest wyrms so even if it is on my less likely to trade for list it I'd love to see em!
Especially if they are blue, gold, or a combo of the 2!

Wyrms I am most interested in:
- Crinklers
Fairy Wyrms
Subterranean Wyrms
Growlers/HM Growlers
Fantasy Wild Dogs/Felines (hit or miss with me tho)
Wyrms I would be less likely to trade for:
- Platinum Points
Aquatic Wyrms- it is mostly based on colors feel free to show me these. I do like aquatic wyrms if the colors mesh well, even bright darters)
Traits/Things I love, not in any order (most likely to sway me for tentative wyrms)
- Dilute
Pitch Black
Wings on normally unwinged wyrms
Glow (especially glow eyebrows)
*not a card trait* scratched eye that is blind from battle damage, not blind trait
*not a card trait* rude/sassy faces
*not a card trait* battle damage
Gold wyrms/Gold glitter/flakes/parts on the wyrm
Special Blue wyrms(blue wyrms with the above traits or are different like omegas and alphas)
If there is no ((Not for Trade)) label or **Traded to ___** label they are available for trade

Feel free to ask me anyways about Not for Trade wyrms, I might trade for the right wyrm and I love to see all the possible trades!
Kuduwad's Full Wyrm Catalog!
Ordered by Size and then in order of the Spotter's Guide to Wyrms
((Might break up into smaller lists later))