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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:38:04 am
by HopefulMonster
The Summer Teacup babies are DONE! :faints:

Pics have been taken, our Scribe is doing up the cards. Soon as they are done these babies will be boxed up and sent home to you all! Thank you so very much for being patient! <3

Big elemental Wyrm is still being assembled (IE drying the dyed fur.)

Arazia, your Fu is being out together tomorrow.

Kai, your baby is painted and ready for fur, but I am having a fur issue. No biggie, but I have no pieces of the proper color big enough, so will have to order some.

Contest winners will be posted tomorrow, along with pics of the prizes.

Getting ready for FAU, will be in the dealers den with wyrms galore next weekend. Come visit. Pet the floof. Adopt a Wyrm.

Now for a bit of notsogood news.

Because of my work load, the baby, the convention schedule this year /planned schedule for next year, and the fact that Furfright is around the corner, I am canceling the September breeding season.

I am REALLY sorry for those who had hoped to breed Wyrm babies. I simply cannot juggle 4 Teacup Wyrm seasons. The turnaround on this last batch was ridiculous...not because I was being lazy, but because I quite simply can only sculpt/paint/varnish/fur/mail out so fast. I am only one set of hands, and with everything else I have on my plate, I feel it's unfair. I want to do my best in creating a product I am proud of, and that my commissioners can enjoy! And to do that, I need a bit more time and less worry about scrambling trying to churn out tons of bred babies along with con stock and baby care.

So. I am sorry, but the next teacup breeding season will be December. The three seasons will remain as is, the Fall seasickness is the only one being struck from the list.

HOWEVER. To compensate for the fact that I know folks were looking forward to it, and some were hoping to get their first wyrms in sept.....I will be doing one or two small clutches of eggs online. Aiming for one in Sept and one in October...they will be 10ish random eggs, available online as per usual. The one caveat is that the first clutch will be available ONLY to those who have no Wyrm yet. This is to give new handlers a chance to grab a Wyrm and start their stables. If the clutch lasts more than a day or two, I will then open it to anyone who wants them.
The second clutch, in October, will be open availability for anyone.

The upside to this is that the December season will have a huge population to chose from, as it will have the FAunited AND Furfright wyrms registered. So those wanting to breed their wyrms will have a really nice, varied bunch of choices. Plus, there will be new genes added, and a new Type/Breed. So, new shinies to play with. ^u~

That's it for now. I'm off to crash. Busy day tomorrow.

Goodnight all!