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Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:26:55 pm
by Celestine8
I'd love one. It's been a rough few months and it'd really brighten things for me!!

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:53:39 pm
by Ponygirl
Aww bums. I would have definitely been in on one of these (or offered to go in halvsies with someone) but I'm going to be on a plane and gone from Dec 21 until Jan...18 or 19 I think. Boo! Well, I'll be back in the country as of Jan 3, but not home until after FC.

But I'll be checking in to see if this happens, and to vicariously experience what others get (and I hope if they do get cool stuff, post lots of pics)!

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:16:54 pm
by Ceeotu
Sounds fun! Me and my girlfriend would love one. It'd be fun to get gifts for all our new babies. :3

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:24:24 pm
by Kardi
I'd love one. It's an adorable idea and I love all your art and projects! :D

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:15:17 pm
by SkyTea
This sounds so cute! 100% count me in!

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:37:10 pm
by DresdenComplex
I'd be interested! I should have my Christmas money by then!

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:03:40 pm
by HopefulMonster
Wowzers. I...honestly didn't expect this big a turnout. Ok. Umm....alright, to be fair and impartial, I'll plug everyone's names into a random number generator tomorrow morning and post the 6 names that roll for the top 6 slots. Geeze, if this is any indication, and folks really dig what's in the boxes, I'll do a bigger chunk of em' next year and post it earlier, to give y'all a longer heads up.

Thank you all for your faith I'm me, and I really hope everyone enjoys the contents. I've got some fun ideas I can't wait to get feedback on!

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:25:44 pm
by Ceeotu
Even if I don't get one, I'd love to hear from those who do about what was in 'em! <3

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:34:00 am
by Saiyawolf
People who do get the boxes please do pictures!! I wish i could get one.

Re: 12 days of Squirmsmas Monster Box

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:20:03 am
by HopefulMonster
Ok, I'm probably going to regret asking this, but in the interest of not excluding folks because of a price tag...
I'd have enough of the 'big thing' I want to include to do a total of 9 boxes. I was going to just post the extra three items up on the forums and do a guess the number or something, there interest in me offering 3 smaller Monster Boxes with say, just the 1 big item and maybe one or two additional small gifts for like, $75?
(Again, this would include shipping in the US, it would be an extra $5 for international, just because of the higher shipping expense)